Personal Profile Information(In-Person)For the purpose of registration, students/parents must provide accurate and correct information. Student Name * First Name Last Name Student Email * Student Phone * (###) ### #### Parent Name * First Name Last Name Parent Email * Parent Phone Number * (###) ### #### What services are you interested in? * (Choose Only One) HS Chemistry; On-Line; 6/3-6/17; 9:00 AM - 12PM; Mon. - Fri.; $699 HS Chemistry; In-Person; 6/3-6/17; 1:00 PM - 4 PM; Mon. - Fri.; $799 Today's Date * MM DD YYYY How did you hear about us? * Internet Friends Others Privacy Policy * I have read and understand the Privacy Policy. User Agreement Policy * I have read and understand the "User Agreement" and I understand that there is "NO Refund" for any reason(s) for the fees I pay hereafter and I will not pursue legal actions against Math-Science Prodigy Tutoring should the fees are not refunded. Thank you! You will be redirected to the payment page.